City Collision Repairs
Founded by Mr A Dykes Senior in 1916, the business has changed somewhat from the original coach building factory in the early horse and cart era, moving into the automotive industry with his two sons taking over the family business (formerly A. Dykes & Sons Ltd).
After the sudden passing of both Mr Dykes' sons, and with no remaining family members to carry on the business, a young Roger Greaney, in his fourth year of apprenticeship and workshop foreman at the time, decided to rise to the challenge of business ownership in 1979. And rise he did, with now over forty years of successful business behind him. Check out our 100 year celebrations, held in 2016.

Company Owner
Anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting Roger Greaney will already know a person of this caliber does not come along every day.Absolute drive, dedication, passion and a love for what he does has lead Roger from strength to strength in business, to his ultimate goal, to render one of the largest, most technically advanced, reputable, Panel Repair and Paint shops in New Zealand.Through good old-fashioned hard work, perseverance and a prodigious team backing him, Roger has achieved his goal, and has done so with outstanding results.Roger's career within the automotive repair industry stems back to the days of his apprenticeship with the late Mr Andy Dykes .
Workshop Manager
Chris developed a passion for the industry from a very young age wearing custom-made overalls and whilst barely big enough to lift a grinder, he trailed around after Roger looking and learning. Chris began his employment with CCR as a labourer when he left school which involved stripping and fitting parts to vehicles.Chris proved he had what it takes and was offered an apprenticeship with CCR and the rest, as they say, is history. Chris has a passion and drive to succeed in business, his achievements to date speak for themselves:
- Golden Hammer Award - New Zealand Apprentice Of The Year (2004)
- NZQA Award - Highest Exam Results in New Zealand Across all other Trades
- Shaun McCarthy Memorial Trophy – Highest Achiever in HB Auto Industry
- Sportsman Trophy for NZV8’s – New Zealand's Best Sportsperson
- Chris completed his apprenticeship in 2004 and is currently the workshop manager. He is a qualified A Grade Panel Beater and qualified I-Car Technician.
There are many special people who come and go in our lives and one person in particular is the late Ashley Stichbury. The mutual respect Roger and Ashley had for each other was beyond reproach. Together they helped make dreams come true. A bond shared and strengthened through the years that evolved around a passion for cars, and in particular, motor sport.Treasured memories live on in the minds and voices of those close to Roger, Chris and the CCR team. We pay tribute to our close friend and well respected New Zealand V8 Touring Car Champion, Ash.
A thunder on the race track, absolutely driven to succeed, and a legend in our history.